Python Projects :
It is a QR code generator. It convert url or sms to QR code. Customisable border size, image size and colour. GUI and EXE version available. To view just click me.
It is a running digital clock with morden GUI. It hve full screen mood, that gives a unique experience. EXE version available. To view just click me.
It is text to handwriting convertor. Just enter a paragraph and convert to handwriting image with various handwriting colour. GUI and EXE version available. To view just click me.
web devoloping :
It is a Todos website. It every details save in local storage and build a list. There have delete and clear all options. To view just click me.
There available all countries time with time zone. There are allmost 222 cities time with morden U.I. To view just click me.
In this website thare have some details about nature. And there are also a beautiful picture with parallex effect. To view just click me.
about me
I am a fontend web developer. Beside that I also know Python and Java. I developed some websites using - HTML, CSS , JavaScript. I also developed many Python programme and convert it into 'EXE' file for windows. Now I am learning PHP.